Collab 4 HySust CCI

Intercultura Consult is the Bulgarian partner of Collab 4 HySust CCIs. This is a 3-year partnership for European cooperation supported by the "Creative Europe" programme of the EU.

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The third knowledge sharing session was held on May 10, 2024, in Belgrade and online. In it the selected CCI organizations presented the progress on their projects: their successes to date as well as the challenges they face in their work on the proposals. They had the opportunity to exchange experiences in a hybrid environment.

Photo by Izabela Milanovic

Mentors Ivana Stančić, Jovana Tomić and Viktoria Draganova shared their experience in working with audiences, measuring change that organizations can make with their work, and developing a communication strategy for a cultural event.

Read more about the event in this article by Petya Koleva.

The next knowledge sharing sessions will be held:
● online in September 2024
● in hybrid format in Greece and online in February 2025.

Successful project launch in Plovdiv

On September 1, 2023, we officially launched the project in Plovdiv and online. The partners presented the goals of the project and the opportunities it provides. Examples of good practices from Italy, Greece and Denmark were shared. The partners from Serbia presented the role of cultural and creative organizations in achieving the goals for sustainable development. The event was held with the support of the Municipality of Plovdiv in the "2019" Exhibition Hall of the City Art Gallery.

Collab 4 Hy Sust CCI is a project co-financed by the "Creative Europe" program of the EU and by the National "Culture" Fund, Bulgaria

The project meets the needs of the creative sector, which we analyzed in 2022 in Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Denmark, Italy and the EU. In the context of multiple crises, the challenges for creative organizations are increasing. At the same time, society's expectations towards them are growing. New skills are needed to build a lasting relationship not only with audiences. Active interaction is also sought with potential partners from sectors such as education, tourism and related production of authentic or creative products and services.

Collab 4 Hy Sust CCI aims to support cultural and creative initiatives that develop new approaches in their relationship with audiences and sustainable development through partnerships.

Collab 4 HySust will provide the necessary know-how to 15 organizations to realize their ideas and establish themselves as cultural pillars in their communities.

15 initiatives selected through an open call will receive:
1. participation in 5 training sessions with guidelines, concepts and practical advice;
2. mentoring support from international experts;
3. micro-grant for the creation of prototypes in a shared incubation process;
4. participation in a network targeting the Southeast Europe Region for active European collaboration in innovation partnerships.

ARTE URBANA COLLECTIF is an artistic collective based in Sofia, Bulgaria. The collective was created in 2016 by Ralitsa Assenova and Dimitar Uzunov who later were joined by other artists and cultural managers. The collective organizes various cultural events such as festivals, theatre productions, workshops, masterclasses and other educational forums in Bulgaria. It aims to create an international artistic and cultural dynamic in the country.

Flat Line Collective is a dynamic organization dedicated to promoting cultural diversity and artistic innovation. Based in Bulgaria, the collective specializes in organizing music events, art exhibitions, and cultural festivals that celebrate creative expression. Its mission is to bridge cultural gaps and foster a thriving community of artists, music professionals and enthusiasts.

Karakashyan & Artists is a multidisciplinary company of dance artists from Bulgaria, boldly moving through disciplines and brought together by director and choreographer Kosta Karakashyan. In a world where people often feel like spectators of their own lives, the organization creates unique large-scale immersive productions which resonate viscerally with audience members and place them at the center of the work. The artists create experiences that empower the audience to go on an evocative emotional journey through the synergy of movement and storytelling. They aim to cultivate empathy and tenderness in society and to advocate for social change through their work, set in kitchens, landfills, public spaces, warehouses, beaches, toilets, caves, runways, and film sets, and incorporating dance, theatre, film, design, and literature.

“Ot Nota do tsvyat” ("From Note to Color") is a creative school for children and adults that combines different types of arts, in the city of Shumen, Bulgaria. Our mission is to inspire young people and grown ups to express themselves and develop through creativity. We offer a colorful range of activities that provoke curiosity and love for music, visual and applied arts.

For more information visit the online space of COLLAB 4 HY SUST CCIs.


Partners in the project are cultural organizations from Europe: Materahub Italy (member of EIT C&C), Intercultura Consult proposing a the 3rd micro-incubator to support of innovation partnerships, Syn+Ergasia - using artistic approaches to sustainability in post-agrarian territories - Greece, Det Flyvende Teater - a creative organisation partnering with Billund Airport and the Lego company in Denmark and Nova Iskra – a member of the European network of Creative Hubs and partner in EU’s GLAMMONS - Serbia.

Associated partners:

Plovdiv Municipality

Plovdiv is the second largest city in Bulgaria, it is the oldest living city in Europe. The ancient beauty of Plovdiv, its strategic location and cultural events throughout the year define it as a place for encounters of cultures and civilizations. Plovdiv is the first Bulgarian city European Capital of Culture (ECoC together with Matera in 2019). Twenty years after hosting the Month of Culture in 1999, the city celebrated in 2019 the most prestigious cultural initiative of the European Union. The European Capital of Culture is a unique project for Bulgaria, which provides new opportunities for developing the potential of the winning city and new international collaboration with Bulgarian cultural and creative operators.

The project is co-financed by the Creative Europe (CREA) program.