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In 2024 Intercultura Consult continues collaborating with organizations from Bulgaria and from neighbouring countries strengthening the region of Southeast Europe.

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We will support CCI innovation via the Collab 4 Hy Sust CCI project under the "Creative Europe" program 15 organizations from Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Italy and Denmark to develop innovative activities in two areas of need: audiences and hybrid approaches, and sustainability in collaboration processes. These initiatives will receive guidance, expert support, and a microgrant to undertake incubation-based prototyping efforts.

Partners in the project are: Materahub Italy (member of EIT C&C), Intercultura Consult proposing the 3rd micro-incubator to support of innovation partnerships, Syn+Ergasia - using artistic approaches to sustainability in post-agrarian territories - Greece, Det Flyvende Teater - a creative organisation partnering with Billund Airport and the Lego company in Denmark and Nova Iskra – a member of the European network of Creative Hubs and partner in EU’s GLAMMONS - Serbia. In Bulgaria an associated partner is Plovdiv municipality which hosted the launch event in 2023.

We continue building on the success of „Humans at Play: skills and knowledge’ - the first three-way survey of the video game industry in Bulgaria. It validated the potential for creative expression as the number 1 motivation for audiences and professionals in the sector. We have brought to the fore the skills and knowledge needed to work in the field of video games on the part of audiences, creators and the cultural sector. This unique collaboration engaged over 20 partners and stakeholders from three cities. It was supported by the National Fund for Culture as well as the municipality of Veliko Turnovo.

Gamebadges - Skill Mapping and Micro-credentials for the Game Industry starts in the beginning of 2024. The project will create, test and implement a European wide competence-based open badge ecosystem for the game industry, both for professionals and game schools. Metropolia UAS - Finland is the project lead partner. The project is co-financed by the ERASMUS + program of the EU.

We continue to build our focus on the development of organizations and innovative cultural practices in Bulgaria. Find the training videos via which we share knowledge within the framework of the 2023 "Vitality" project. The videos are the result of the project "Vitality" of Intercultura Consult, co-financed by the Bulgarian National "Culture" Fund.

In celebration of the European Day of Languages in 2023, the European Language Label was awarded to Le LABA in France for our shared project European Stories supported by the ERASMUS +. Its tools promote the languages and personal stories of locals in the alternative tourism sector. and included partners, Les Balades Alternatives: Intercultura Consult, University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski";Italy: Materahub;Ireland: Momentum Marketing Services Ltd, Roscommon Leader Partnership; Romania: The National University of Theatre and Film "I.L.Caragiale".