Creating together

Innovation incubator
Collab4HySustCCI | Knowledge sharing session
From a innovation incubator to the emergence of transformative changes in the creative sector.
The final - REVIEW - knowledge-sharing session of Collab4HySust CCI will be held in Greece and online. It is providing stakeholders with a platform to engage in discussions and exchange insights on sustainable practices in the cultural and creative industries (CCI).
The program includes presentations, interactive discussions, and networking opportunities with industry leaders, experts, and practitioners.
27th February: A closed peer review day for pilots and mentors.
28th February: Open to the public. Participants can join in person in Greece or Online, ensuring accessibility for all. It will showcase 15 pilot projects that embody sustainable approaches in the CCI field.
Further details about the agenda and program can be found here.
Registration closes on Feb 14, last seats avaialble.
Collab 4 Hy Sust CCI supports cultural and creative initiatives that develop new approaches to connecting with audiences and sustainability through pilot innovations. The project responds to the needs of the creative sector in Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Denmark, Italy and the EU.Collab 4 Hy Sust CCI is a project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the EU and the National Culture Fund, Bulgaria and supported by the Municipality of Plovdiv.
Research and Strategy
The project "Humans at play: Creators and Users" of Intercultura Consult was implemented with the support of the National Culture Fund and over 20 partners representing the business, educational and cultural sectors.
The study was designed to cover the viewpoints and disposition of diverse key stakeholders in the creative ecosystem – players, creators and other creatives, educators, support organisations …
Publications in Bulgarian can be requested here, articles in English can be found here.
Competences and micro-credential
Intercultura Consult is an associate partner in the project Gamebadges - Skill Mapping and Micro-credentials for the Game Industry 2024 2026. The lead partner in the project is Metropolia UAS - Finland. The project is co-financed by the Erasmus+ program of the EU.
Milena Berbenkova participated in Game Dev Day 2 in Sofia 2024 where Intercultura presented the competency map developed in the Gamebadges project as well as opportunities for Bulgarian participants to acquire skills.
Publications in Bulgarian can be requested here, articles in English can be found here.

creatives and culture professionals
In 2023, we held two trainings on the topic of "Vitality" for cultural and creative organizations in March in Sofia and in August in Plovdiv. In total 33 participants from across the country received training by 7 international and local experts on key topic areas and discovered new business models.
For all organizations, artists, and businesses from the creative ecosystem who wish to develop their organisation in terms of partnerships and connection with audiences, we have prepared three training videos in Bulgarian. View them.
European stories
Alliance for community cultural heritage tours
In celebration of the European Day of Languages in 2023, the European Language Label was awarded to Le LABA in France (leader) and partnering organizations from Bulgaria, Ireland, Italy and Romania for the Knowledge Alliance project European Stories /"Истории от Европа" 2019-2022
It was during the Covid pandemic, that , this international project, encouraged the cultural and creative professionals and tourism industry professionals to pave a route in the uncharted terrain of local, vernacular, community-based tourism strategies. ICC engaged in field research, mapping existing organizations and new initiatives, mapping skills needs and new business models. Intercutlura was in charge of design, testing, and delivery of the first training course for story-based cultural heritage mediators in Bulgaria. The guide for designing a local tour in English can be found here.